Light is reflective, Sound is transmissive, aesthetic constellations appear in color and with sneakers.
Visual notes among art and media.

Background Details aka "biological / artistic interdisciplinary thoughts & projects"
- 2009
studies biology diploma ( University of Bayreuth / University of Vienna / Humboldt University Berlin, with specialisation in medical microbiology, parasitology & genetics )
parallel: learning languages, visiting exhibitions, travelling i.e. positioning one's perceptive apparatus into different spatial and temporal contexts ( which it will later on ironically be called )
plus: developing ability to understand the artistic and pragmatic
conceptions of classic and avant garde
- 2018
Archaeologie & Kulturwissenschaft - Seminar fuer Ästhetik, Humboldt University Berlin - Bachelor of Arts
Erasmus exchange: KUE University of Copenhagen - Department of Film & Media ( MA level )
Sound Art / between documentary and fiction / Media theory ( basic )
Lectures by Prof. Christian Kassung ( Kulturgeschichte der Dinge ), Prof. Holger Brohm ( Photography Theory ), Pressefotografie ( cultural scientific discourse ), Prof. Iris Daerrmann ( performativity & rituality ), Prof. Horst Voelz ( computer artist and wrote next to it a biology Lehrbuch ), shortly: Prof. Friedrich Kittler ( media theorist ), Prof. Andy Fisher ( Contemporary Photography Theory Goldsmiths, in English language )
San Francisco: University of California - Digital Photography ( basic theory and practice ) - interlaced with project
macumbista : analog spring reverb ( workshop attended )
visits: die reihe. ( maybe not )
NK Projekt : D.I.Y. electronics for music / circuit soldering ( workshop attended )
graduation project: "The San Francisco Tape Music Center 1961 - 65" video / text ( medium magnetic tape for artistic purposes, aleatoric constructions in art pieces, reading "events" with varying semantic backgrounds, like events possibly as social gatherings as much as the strokes on a canvas, Art metaphor. I had to think interdisciplinary, unevitably. )
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Holger Schulze, Prof. Holger Brohm
Sound Studies - University of Arts, Berlin - Master of Arts
studied with Prof. Volker Straebel, Prof. Sabine Sanio, Prof. Hans Peter Kuhn, Marcel Kloppenburg, Prof. Jean Szymczak
Erasmus Exchange: Aalto University Helsinki - Department of Arts, Design & Architecture
"Sound in New Media" : Sound portrait for seminar by Dr. Taiina Riikonen, SNAP - 1 minute sound for Tarkowsky film clip for seminar by Antti Ikonen
conceptual work for "Sound Clinic" / a project for a Sonic installation in a children's hospital
graduation project: "Methods in Sonic Illustration" ( text / essay ), installation with performer at Einsteinufer Berlin ( idea: "tableau vivant" )
supervisors: Prof. Hans Peter Kuhn, Prof. Sabine Sanio
sound performance / installation
_ Henry the Rabbit by Craig Martin Wood: player of instruments in Mayhem Copenhagen and Generator Galery Copenhagen
_ group performance: Stockhausen "Kurzwellen" within Sound Studies at Jazzinstitut ( analog synthesizer, keyboard and rack with wood ) ( which does not mean I understand, maybe fear jazz at best )
_ "Sonic Illustrations, some": installation with performer at Einsteinufer Berlin
Performance ( choreographed movement )
/ / art dance ( at Vapaan Taiteen Tila ) in a piece after Pina Bausch ( Modern Dance approach ) : experienced rehearsals / stage
Butoh workshop by Valentin Tszin
_ university radio: Humboldt Kulturwissenschaft ( concept, editing & interviews for podcast seminar, concept for radio broadcast series )
_ radio piece: sound artist Else Marie Pade ( at HU soundstudieslab )
_ radioplay based on a book excerpt ( "Wild ist scheu" ), group work within Sound Studies / University of Arts, premiered in a space / aired on Cashmere Radio
drawing pen on paper
- "Wasserspeicher Prenzlauer Berg" within seminar "Sonic Cartographies" at soundstudieslab ( pen on paper, > A 0 )
- City of Porto "sardinha" : digitalised drawing ( online exhibition )
- Berlin - Klangkunst ( thematic illustrated map, pen on paper with drop of
beetroot juice, > A 0 ) within Sound Studies, University of Arts
- interpretations of commercial graphical logos, pen on paper
( between analytical and imaginary, indifferent of pre - visual development context, applied moments for different time concepts )
video works / media art
- group film "Das Trautonium", 35 min., documentary: supervisor Dr. Christina von Braun
- group work : conceptual image film - Dronning Louise's Bro, supervisor: Anne Schepelern at KUE University of Copenhagen ( group film with Mille Schneekloth Christiansen, Lisa Merete Christensen, William Andreas Wivel, Johannes Rothaus Noerregaard )
- group work: interactive audio guide for Royal Danish Academy of Music with Sidsel Nelund, Katrine Dirckinck-Blofeldt
- concept: music video ( for social media ) for Dino Joubert and his band, it's all about layering of urban space ( which is a cold world )
- magnetic tape ( as artistic medium ), 4 visual channels ( under construction )
further references - art & design
_ Aalto University - Sound Design ( supervised by Daniel Hug )
"generating an interactive scenario / a soundscape ( djungle / tundra ) was projected into an empty room" with a digital sampler
group work with Philippe La Grassa
_ composition course by Andrea Mancianti at Aalto University
_ programming: Signetics 2650, binary logics of a computer game ( Pong )
at Humboldt University Medienwissenschaft
_ analog videosynthesizer workshop at Media Lab Helsinki with Otso Sorvettula
_ clothes design ( light and reflection ): a black coat with red L - wire, sewn together by hand: disguised shape in a desert, when lifting arms
_ you might know it from ... ( Art installation / festival or "conversation", which I am really good at )
_ festival participation ( different media )
museruole ( online ): women in Electronic Music 2014 _ Contemporary Tape Music
aeaeniaalto 2018 _ installation with collaboration with Carlos Ortiz Ariza
_ festival applications pieces ( intermedia parts ) :
2018 "Love doll" ( sound effects for eyes in a short movie )
2015 Spiegel ( composition for piano and editing program )
2015 harina ( sound improvisation on synthesiser, with Ricardo Malpartida )
_ exhibition spaces
2013 - Georgenstraße 42 "Wasserspeicher Prenzlauer Berg" - drawing pen on paper, > A0 ( group exhibition "Sonic Cartographies at Sound Studies Lab )
2014 - Porto " Sardinha" ( drawing pen on paper, 2 layers )
2015 - Humboldt University of Berlin "Monotony" - photography works
2015 Silent Green Berlin, "37053 km", sound piece with R. Malpartido
2018 - Akusmata / Vapan Taiteen Tila ( days during aeaeniaalto )
- idea & concept label "LenaoooYuki" ( Sound Design: acoustic logos, conceptually related to companies, analog&digital ) ( Yuki is not an imaginary alter ego for wanting to be Japanese like seemingly everyone, it is a classical gag about language learning stereotypes. Actually, it means snow and being named after a monadic entity which is super simple and super complex at the same time is kind of cool.
For some reason not too many are called "blood" or "traffic" or "noodle / soup". )
- fish with Seitenlinienorgan ( for cool art projects )
- internship: Sen Productions ( documentary film editing feature length, production image films Microsoft / Nike )
Jan Eilhardt Productions ( Kurzfilm Berlinale Einreichung )
- artist job: Olafur Eliasson / for littlesun project ( screwing mostly )
- assistance: for Aalto University design / image film "collaboration Aalto / iitala"
- accreditation CPH:DOX 2011 ( for film )
- conference attendant ESSA / European Sound Studies Association 1&2 ( Berlin, Copenhagen )
- volunteer: Pictoplasma, CPH:PIX, LAPSody Performance Art, Festival of Endless Gratitude ( Copenhagen )
++++ interdisciplinary artistic interests: learning languages for semiotic fun
English ( spoken, academic ), Spanish B.1, French ( certificate for studying ), basic: Danish, Japanese, Finnish A.1.4, Korean A - level, Hindi, Icelandic ... )
++++ California "what does mitten do - Z z z" ++++++ assistance : fashion photography set, outdoor // editing assistance : festival screening movie "fashion and books or something" // sound on set assistance for feature for Mexican B - movie film festival ++++++++ voice ( hihihi, rofl ) for a German media product ( 360 degree concert filming )++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
randomly going to relevant events and saying / doing something intelligent and / or stupid ++++++++ meaning might evolve over time +++++++++++++++++++++++++
children suitable website :
( a open source platform for artists with friendly generative imagery and generative coding concept, this make something complex appear rather simple )