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_______________________________________ sound design 
During the 1 year long project, moving in urban space was seen as a time / space continuum with place dependent exposition to different arrays of chemical substances ( nutrition, hygienic chemicals ). 
Through the experience and rational observation in the creation of
( mostly drawn ) sound logos among places and products, the artifacts gathered a narrative within a 3 seconds long conception.

2 companies ( Liquid Garden Berlin, Dr. Pogo ) exemplarily received a sound logo implying conceptual methods of creating a sound in visual analogy to how a established brand logo might be created.

means: time / space / imagination / pen on paper for sketching the imageries or editing program / recordings of sonically distinctive sound emanations  

The idea was to transfer the concept of a logo for a "cultural phenomenon", be it a company existing or not, into Sound ( time frame aka format was 3 seconds including narration ) in combination with the ability of implying visual content and actual object of the symbolized.  

A solution for an acoustic imprint in a website is:

elements: grain: Poaceae spec. / iconic nutrition sound of "falling grain"


( advertisement aesthetics to divide the actual thing of the image, referring to the Italian noodles image photograph, the grain and the hay was collected by myself and recorded with a Sound Man in ear microphone.

Visual connection to the object was a "Sasquatch", as an illustration on it, mimicked walking into the Sonic image and out of it.




In the end of the day it was meant to be a tiny acoustic drawing.



Sound Art / Klangkunst ( drawing )

Parallel, a project within the term Sonic Cartography was generated. 

Through the combination of urban experience Berlin and the books Sonambiente 1996 & 2006, a historical development of Sound Art / Klangkunst was fused into an illustrated map. 
The map shows streets and some buildings in Berlin, which were hosting art pieces that refer to the art form Klangkunst / Sound Art in different times. The time barrier of the pieces, partly stretched over big geographical and temporal distances, was fused into a drawing.
It is seen as a work resulting of the consumption of the book information, interacting with a city and the physical crystallization of the drawing through the artist's body as an aesthetic filter.


media: pen on paper & 1 drop of beetroot juice


zombie piece :           being alone in the metro at night. Fearing people more than zombies.
                                     Therefore walk like a zombie. If the bot/night watch looks at the                                                screen in those seconds, he/she/it might have a                                                                            creepy intermedia moment of visual pattern recognition.

                                     randomly interspersed in time & space 

                                                                         ( Actually, many of the pieces actually symbolise friends of mine or people I would like to be friends with ... ^^ )

triangles ____________________________________   experimental sound piece with score 
" piano piece for broken hand "
The piece consists of a score and a recording that follows a successive regeneration of nervous development in a broken hand.
items: piano ( black, with feet ), H4N dictaphone in the piano, pen on paper

children suitable website :  ( the game is to find the portrait )

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